Michael Wynn


Michael is the managing partner of the Wynn Law Firm. He most frequently practices as litigation counsel on the cases that the office handles. While Michael's practice areas are numerous, the largest portion of his practice focuses on Consumer Rights and Remedies in Bankruptcy and the various litigious scenarios that arise out of Ch. 11, 13, 12, and 7 cases.

Michael also has a deal of experience representing individuals who find themselves entangled in the Criminal Justice system. Michael has represented clients charged with all types of offenses from simple misdemeanors to life felonies. Additionally, a large portion of Michael’s work with the criminal justice system has focused on serving clients who are veterans or who struggle with mental health issues in conjunction with the criminal court system.

In addition to his practices, Michael also maintains an active role in the Community. He is the current president of the Northern District of Florida Bankruptcy Bar Association. Michael also is an active member of the St. Andrews Bay Inn of Court and a member of the FSU PC Development Board.

Michael is a proud graduate of the University of Alabama where he earned both his bachelors and juris doctor degrees.

When he is not acting in his capacity as a lawyer, Michael and his wife Erin enjoy life on the Gulf Coast of Florida. From pre-sunrise fishing trips to post-sunset surfing sessions, Michael always finds time for saltwater therapy.


Law School: University of Alabama School of Law


Academic Accomplishments and Involvements: 

 • Juris Doctor

 • Chief Justice of the Honor Council

 • Recipient of the Dean Thomas W. Christopher Award for outstanding service to the Law School community.

 • Law School Ambassador


Undergraduate: The University of Alabama


Academic Accomplishments and Involvements: 

 • Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, University Honors Program, in Communication Studies

 • Selected as a featured graduate of 2011 by NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams

 • Awarded Capstone Hero Award

 • Awarded a Premier Award recognizing Outstanding Student-Initiated Engagement Efforts by the UA Council on Community Based Partnerships

 • Member of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity