In today’s economy, Creditors are more aggressive than ever. When you are a business or an individual dealing with larger sums of debt, this is felt sometimes the most. If you find yourself in a situation where the debt load seems to be crippling your business or personal efforts, there may be relief for you under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is a powerful tool available to both individuals and businesses in bankruptcy. When a business or individual files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, it has an opportunity to stop collections, repossession, garnishments and levies while determining a way to repay its debts. During the Chapter 11 process the Debtor has protection from its creditors in order to be able to continue to operate and generate revenue for a successful reorganization. Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is a complicated and sometimes very long process that requires the help of a knowledgeable attorney experienced in bankruptcy.
If you are considering filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy for your company or yourself, contact the attorneys at the Wynn Law Firm. Our attorneys have over Forty Years of experience as bankruptcy attorneys and have handled reorganization cases from a few thousand dollars to over $15 million dollars. Let our team of experienced bankruptcy lawyers help you make the best decisions for yourself and your company.